
Training courses



The 3rd project year provides the organisation of National and International Hackathons. The 1st phase provides the creation of local networks for the organization of Hackathons and teachers will be asked to involve local stakeholders in supporting the project activities, also taking advantage of support provided by associated partners. In particular, they will have to identify relevant social cooperative or enterprises available to organize technical visits for the students and/or workshops at schools focused on practical examples for the achievement of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals through the cooperative business model.

DBTA and EGInA will cooperate in the production of a project-based and Hacking guide for teachers, taking inspiration from the Social Hakademy methodology developed by EGInA during the years and piloted at EU level with the #hackAD project.

Each teacher will engage students in the Hackathons’ tournament that will consist of three rounds:

  1. An internal competition at school level with groups of students from the same VET centre (or community) competing to provide a solution to a challenge provided by a local authority;
  2. The winning teams of the first phase will meet for the national finals, where the jury will be composed of teams participated by at least 1 EU representative and 1 representative from another African country;
  3. The last phase of the Hackathons’ tournament will take place in Italy on July 2025 during the VIII edition of the Social Hackathon Umbria, the annual Hackathon carried out by EGInA and already supported in 2019by FAO for the co-design of digital solutions to challenges related to food scarcity and sustainable development, Each national winner will participate at the event with a team of 1 teacher and 4 students.

All projects realized by the students participating at the different rounds of the Hackathons’ tournament will be presented in a collection that will be hosted in a special gallery on the project website.